Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Linux Blog Browser Links?

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Before you get indexed in Google you need links. Links to a-linux-blog.blogspot.com are greatly appreciated.
If you link to me, I'll link to you. Links is also the name of a program in Linux. It has a variation called Lynx. Basically they are text based web browsers and can be used from the command line. They are very useful for viewing pages when you are in a console. For example, you just set up Gentoo Linux and didn't get to compile KDE yet. You can use Lynx to check the news or download the source for some packages that may not be included in portage. To get started type Links.

While we are on the topic of light weight Linux browsers, I'll tell you a couple of other great browsers for Linux that are lightweight, use less resources and actually can perform better then their counter parts.
Firefox is the most popular browser. Little do people know that its actually quite bulky. Konqueror has a fast rendering engine that Safari is based off of but its not really that light weight.
I personally like the SeaMonkey suite. It is similar to Firefox. There is another lightweight browser called Dillo. It is pretty good so, give that a shot if your in the market for a lightweight browser.

Anyhow, If you read all of that I feel for you. It was more of a ramble so that this blog can get off of the ground. It's not really suppose to be serious but more of a test to see how quickly the Google indexes and adds site to the SERPS for Linux Blog topics. I have another blog on the web that is constantly on the second page for popular searches such as the term "Linux Blog" I figured I'd give blogger a go and see if it gets listed before my other site just because its in Google. There is a black hat SEO technique where you link lots of blogger blogs together to create a blog farm. I'm going to see if it works for just one Blog on the Linux topic. If not I doubt I'll take it much further than that. I mean after all, if this doesn't climb the search results whats the point?

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