Monday, April 14, 2008

Linux Blog

What does one have to do to get listed on the first pages in in Google? Well, the answer seems to be pretty clear all you have to do is start a blogger blog, and have the keywords that you want to come up for in your blog posts, blog title and content. Its kind of crazy. For example, we will take a look at the "Linux Blog" keywords. I am wondering how long it will take before I'm listed in the top 20. Apparently having a good blog is not good enough these days. The most content filled blog isn't always the blog that is in the top of the SERPS. I have read many blog posts about SEO and how people are bitching that they are not in the results and I some what agree with them. If this Linux related blog is even in the top 50 by the end of the week there is obviously a problem.

Any how, a-linux-blog.blogspot is a new blog dedicated to bringing you all the latest Linux news. You might want to book mark it, subscribe to the RSS or get a tattoo of the URL reversed on your forehead so that you remember to visit here on a regular basis and read all of the great Linux content. I would also recommend contributing by leaving comments. Of course you will get a free back link from a great Linux Blog that is growing fast! I can't wait to compare the traffic that this site gets to some of the other blogs that I run. Since this is a technology related blog I feel like it will be harder to climb up to the top since there is more competition. Anyhow, Ubuntu, Suse, Gentoo, Mandriva, you name it, I'll be blogging about it.

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